keramiek, tape, lak, brons
I'm lying here, it is dark
Most people wouldn't want to be in my shoes
My ears are ringing I can't think
But somewhere in the distance I can sense being kissed on the forehead
Normally I would sweep away this bugging feeling
But right now I'm too cold. Chopped in half, smelling like deeply rotten kimchi
So I let the kiss come in like a high pitched note on a violin, becoming louder and louder
Touching my smooth numb skin
Most people wouldn't want to be in my shoes
My ears are ringing I can't think
But somewhere in the distance I can sense being kissed on the forehead
Normally I would sweep away this bugging feeling
But right now I'm too cold. Chopped in half, smelling like deeply rotten kimchi
So I let the kiss come in like a high pitched note on a violin, becoming louder and louder
Touching my smooth numb skin